Pilsen 2015 – European Capital of Culture

Category: Special report

by Jiri Vanek from Czech Republic.

January 17th, 2015 the Czech city Pilsen officially became the European Capital of Culture for year 2015.

The European Capital of Culture is a city designate by European Union. The chosen city gets this title for one year. In this time period have the city a chance to showcase its cultural life and cultural development. The European City of Culture was launched on June 13, 1985 and in that year was European Capital City of Culture the Greek city Athens. In the past already won one Czech city this title. Prague was the European Capital of Culture in 2000.

The city Pilsen was preparing for this special year for more than four years and the city build new theater, Cultural Factory (creative zone for artists) and others. At the weekend 16-18th January 2015 Pilsen officially “open up”. For this special event was prepared rich cultural program. On Friday started program with presentation of Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art, vernissage at the Pilsen gallery and music and art program called Art’s Birthday.
On Saturday started the main program. There were commented city walks, arts exhibitions, author readings. At 4 pm began The City Opening Ceremony. From four main parts of Pilsen came out “The Streams”, which representing the best Pilsen has to offer and also symbolizing the four rivers flowing trough Pilsen. After all processions arrived to the city center, started another part of the ceremony – THE SYMPHONY OF BELLS. In this program could visitors and the city residents see biggest video-mapping ever performed in Czech republic, which presented history of city Pilsen and famous people, performance more than eighty domestic and foreign artists and listen to composition of Marco Ivanovič. For the first time could visitors also hear the sound of all three bells (two bells were destroyed during second world war). Than began lots of concerts and exhibitions all over the city.

For the rest of the year will be prepared lots of cultural events including new circus and concerts and others. More information is here.


In the July the music festival Rock for People Europe will be held in Pilsen. Many of czech and foreign interprets will attend this festival. More information is here.

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