Written by Nikola Michalkova
Trebon Chateau
The fourth largest chateau in the Czech Republic is Chateau Trebon. It lies in the middle of the town of Trebon in the South Bohemian region, surrounded by English gardens and famous lakes and ponds that make the area so fascinating for tourists. One can tell the size is big just by the number of rooms it has, which is more than 100.
The original mansion was once just an empty vastness until the tribe of Rozmberk took ownership in the middle of 14th century. Then the whole town of Trebon started to glow thanks to the concession that the Rozmberks brought. In a short amout of time, they turned the vastness into a big castle with a lot of rooms, chapels, and ballrooms. In that time, it was still a gothic-style castle. The reason behind the Renaissance style is a big fire that happened in the year 1562. Because of that bad incident in which almost 50 other houses burned down, the architect Antonio Ericery Vlach made a big change and added a new style to the old gothic one. After the death of Vilem of Rozmberk, the castle felt into the hands of his younger brother, Petr Vok of Rozmberk. With him, more than 120 people moved into the chateau and it became a center of cultural and social events. It also led to changes in the appearance of the chateau, which were made by Domenico Comety. The last living members of the tribe died and the whole chateau changed owners again.
In the year 1612, the tribe of Szamberk stepped into the life of Trebon´s residency. They lived on the chateau for about 50 years, in which they tried to build another chapel, but it was never finished.
The last tribe that lived in State Chateau Trebon was the Schwarzenberk tribe. They owned the place from 1660 until 1922. And since it was the first Czech place, they liked it very much and they continued improving it. In the year 1722, at a big forecourt, Jan Svetecky built a water fountain which represents the victory of Adolf Schwarzenberk againts the Turkish military.
In current times, the chateau belongs to the National Monuments Institute and is open to the public.
For more information about the South Bohemian Region, from which this chateau comes, click here and here.