Schwarzenberg Tomb

Written by Nikol Smucrova

Category: Castle

Schwarzenberg Tomb

Schwazenberg Tomb

The Schwarzenberg Tomb (Mausoleum) is in the South Bohemian region, close to the historic town center of Trebon. It is one of the most architecturally remarkable monuments that one can visit in this area. It is in a beautiful English park near the Svet Pond. The Tomb was built in 1874. Eleanor Schwarzenberg, the wife of Jan Adolf Schwarzenberg II., was inspired to build a family tomb because the village church didn’t have space. Friedrich Schmidt a famous architect from Austria, first planned it but Damasius Deworetzky modified it later. The construction began in 1874 and was completed in 1877. There are 26 coffins are in the Tomb. It is a six-sided neo-gothic building with an attractive tower and regal double stairs surrounded by an English park. Various concerts and other cultural events take place in the chapel of the Mausoleum, which is lit by candles and acoustically perfect. Princess Eleonora died in 1873, Preventing her seeing what she created. She is with 27 other members of the Schwarzenberg family. The last funeral took place in 1939. The hearts of dukes of Krumlov, John (Johann) Nepomuk I, his wife Marie Eleonora, Joseph II and, his wife Paulina Charlotta, members of the Schwarzenberg family are located in special urns in the chapel of St. John Nepomuk in the church of St. Vitus in Cesky Krumlov.

The Schwarzenberg family entombed their deceased members in many parts of Europe, in more than three dozen smaller mausoleums in today’s Germany, Italy, and Hungary. It was in the second half of the 17th century that a single tomb was built in the Augustinian monastery in Vienna as burial in churches and monasteries was banned, after a hundred years the monastery was abolished by Joseph II.

It is not only an important monument to one of the most important noble houses of Europe in its modern history, but also an ingenious technical work by its solution of dehumidification of space and air circulation. It is also an important landscape feature of Trebon.

For more information about the South Bohemian region, in which this castle is located, click here and here.

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