Regional Museum in Vysoke Myto

Category: Museum

Regional Museum In Vysoke Myto


The beginnings of Regional Museum in Vysoke Myto, one of the oldest in czech lands, are dating back in 1871. In 1912 it was moved to house of A.V. Sembera, mentor of first czechoslovakian president and intelectual who was born in Semberova street in the city of Vysoke Myto, and in this house resides till today. It provides closer look on history of famous Stratilek company, one of the most significant manufacturers of firefighting tools and equipment. Nonetheless, very interesting is also exposition called Kabinet Millitaria, showing guns, equipment and armament of soldiers of Vysoke Myto garrison. Exposition of Museum of czech car bodywork is dedicated to history of the most famous bodywork companies – Carrosserie Sodomka plus the entire industry branch of bodywork. Museum also has within its administration the baroque compound in Vraclav village with collection of worthwhile statues from Kraliky – Dolni Hedec monastery.


There is a long history of bodywork production in city of Vysoké Mýto. The main representant of such industry branch was Josef Sodomka Junior, gifted visionary, who became one of the foremost bodywork makers in the pre-Munich Czechoslovakian

Republic. He inheritted family buisness – quite small, but before WWI prospering coach producing company and re-onriented it for production of automobile bodyworks.

Regional Museum in Vysoké Mýto’s long therm goal is to describe production of Sodomka Company and make sure the surviving pieces made in factory are well preserved – therefore the Museum was looking for space which was available for presenting legacy of Sodomka since 2005. This vision became reality in 2014, when Museum of Czech bodywork making was opened in buildings of former city courthouse and town hall.

Part of the museum is dedicated to exposition of bodywork making in general, another part is used to describe tail of one of the most famous bodywork companies in czech lands – Carrosserie Sodomka. The remaining premises’s purpose is to serve as space for exhibitions portraying one of the other bodywork making companies at the time, during one year lasting exhibition.

For more information about the Pardubice Region, from which this museum comes, click here and here.

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