Municipal museum and gallery Hlinsko
The Municipal Museum was established in 1874 as the fourth rural museum in the Czech lands. It is housed in a former Jewish synagogue and is one of the oldest in Bohemia. At the suggestion of the then district mayor Karel Adámek, collections began to be solicited and curated, which became the basis for the establishment of the museum.
Here you can see the memorial hall of the Adamek family and a historical exhibition presenting the history of Hlinec from the earliest mentions of settlement in the area until the end of the 19th century. This exhibition mainly shows the development of pottery and weaving. However, it also does not forget recent customs, crafts, toys, and glass. The exhibition shows the life of the rural people and the environment in which they lived. Across from this exhibit is a furnished burgher or manor room.
The museum exposition also includes a fully functional orchestra, the restoration of which was financially supported in 2017 and 2019 by a grant from the Pardubice Region. The device was made by organist Karel Čech in Brno, approx. in the years 1900-1920. The orchestra comes from the village of Filipov near Hlinsko, where it is dated to 1924, comes from the village of Filipov near Hlinsko, where it was located in a local inn. It was purchased for the MMG Hlinsko collections in 1961 from Mr. František Tichý, an innkeeper from Filipov, for CZK 500.
The city gallery was opened in 1960 and is housed in a building called the Opera. The gallery offers two floors of exhibition space. In the first, there is a permanent exhibition of landscape paintings, which depict not only Hlinec, called Passed through the Local landscape. The second floor is used for temporary exhibitions, the most important of which is undoubtedly the annual Art Hlinecko, which since 1960 offers a selection of the best of Czech painting of the 19th and early 20th centuries. The great representatives of our painting are showcased in monographic or thematic exhibitions (e.g., Antonín Slavíček, Vojtěch Hynais, Václav Brožík, Jakub Schikanederand others).
For more information about the Pardubice Region, from which this museum comes, click here and here.