Hussite Museum in Tabor

Category: Museum

Hussite Museum in Tabor


The Old Town Hall of Tabor is one of the most important Czech monuments of late Gothic. The basic appearance of the town hall was created by the architect Wendel Roskopf around 1521 on the site of three burgher houses. The building was modified according to the design of Antonio D`Alfieri in the Baroque period. In 1878, the architect Josef Niklas tried to return the town hall to its late Gothic appearance again.


The halls of the town hall serve the Hussite Museum nowadays. The ground floor offers a key museum presentation of the Hussite Museum and the whole exhibition is dedicated only to the Hussites. Moreover, exhibition was opened to the public in autumn 2010. The story of the Hussites takes place in ten halls and is told by various “voices” and paintings. The Museum will take the visitor from the roots of the Hussites to the development and historical memory of the Hussites in the 19th and 20th centuries.


At the beginning of the tour is an impressive film presenting the situation before the outbreak of the Hussite storms. Furthermore, other rooms offer topics such as sources of revolution, Hussite warfare, warlords or search for a king. The rooms try to create an atmosphere not only through texts, paintings and exhibits, but also videos, sound dioramas, and animated sequences.


However, the most attractive is the medieval underground. Extensive cellars from the 15th and 16th centuries were excavated in the bedrock to a depth of 52 feet. Those are still an interesting technical monuments of the late Middle Ages. The tour route is approximately ⅓ of a mile long and was created in 1947 by connecting the cellars under Zizkov Square.

For more information about the South Bohemian Region, from which this museum comes, click here and here.

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Central Bohemian Region

The Central Bohemian Region lies in the centre of Bohemia.

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