Lostice Style Garlic Soup

Czech name: Loštická česnečka

Written by Eva Vachalova

This recipe is named for Lostice, a town in the Olomouc Region. Lostice is the production center of Olomouc cheese (Olomoucke tvaruzky), a unique Czech cheese that dates back to the fifteenth century. Olomouc cheese has a pungent smell that is off-putting to many people, but its delicious taste more than compensates for the shortcomings of its aroma. The cheese tastes so good that it was a favorite of Holy Roman Emperors Rudolf II (1552-1612) and Leopold II (1747-1792). Unavailable in the U.S., Olomouc cheese is similar to Limburger cheese, which can be used in its place in recipes.

For more information about the Olomouc region, from which this recipe comes, click here.


4 onions
4 potatoes
1 garlic bulb
4 Olomouc cheese slices (or Limburger)
1/2  lb bacon
salt to taste
black pepper to taste
1 tsp marjoram
1 tsb caraway seeds


Cut the onions into small slices and fry them with sliced bacon. Cut the potatoes into small cubes and add them to a pot with 1/2 gallon of water. Add caraway and salt to taste and boil until the potatoes are soft. Add in the onions and bacon. Season the soup with garlic and marjoram. Pour the soup into bowls, adding the sliced cheese to each portion. Bake the bowls briefly in a preheated oven.

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