The Military Fortress Josefov

Military fortresses take a unique place among historical sights sights because they’re not just interesting buildings, they have their own uncommon technical aspects, secrets rooms and places along with a rich history. With the Military fortress in the town of Josefov it is no different. Its construction began in 1780. The Architect who is behind the whole design of the fortress is Claude Benoit Chevalier de St. Luis Duhamel de Querlonde. About twenty thousand people worked on the building the fortress, from which eleven thousand were soldiers. The whole complex was finished in 1787 and was ready to serve its purpose. Even though the structure was finished, Emperor Josef II. did not stop with improvements. For the next three years improvements were being made, mainly the betterment of the ditches and later building of wells for drinkable water, a citadel and the main guard post.

The main goal of the fortress was to defend the North of Austrian Empire against the Prussian Kingdom. But that was not its only purpose. The Fortress town was actually a huge armoury, storage of a gun powder, food reserves and last but not least it was safe accommodation for soldiers and citizens of the town.

Visitors can experience the atmosphere of the streets in the fortress town with its unique buildings, strong and huge fortress walls and a deep ditch. You can experience the excitement of the mysterious underground halls and follow the steps of history. Discover the long-forgotten stories of unknown soldiers and famous generals and secret mysterious places that the city offers. While visiting you can enjoy several exhibitions and guided tours all around the Fortress of Josefov. Workers of the Fortress can offer you a great tour through the history of the place. There are also events where several volunteers replay historical events and battles. With the traditional clothes, uniforms and weapons you can really feel the history of the Military Fortress of Josefov.


For more information about the Hradec Kralove Region where this place is located click here.

The Military Fortress Josefov

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