Museum of Bethlehem in Trebechovice

The city of Trebechovice pod Orebem is located not far from the Hradec Kralove. In the city you can visit the Musem of Bethlehems where the ghost of Christmas is whole year. During your visit you can see a Probost’s mechanical Bethlehem including the wooden mechanism, building of Bethlems from variety of materials in different regions of the Czech Republic.  

The most precious, admired and famous Bethlehem is without a doubt unique mechanical one from carvers J. Probost, J. Kapucian and author of mechanism J. Friml. Whole Bethlehem mechanism was made of wood a 100 years ago. On the place 9 meters square there is 350 carved figures and 200 of them is movable. This Bethlehem was in 1999 recognized as state culture sight. The Museum is opened for the whole year except on Monday in a times 9.00 to 12.00 and 12.30 to 16.30. Through the year the exhibitions are changing in variety of themes.  

The Museum of Bethlehem in Trebechovice is opened since 1925 thanks to hard work of native citizen of the Trebechovice Vilem Koles who arranged for the exhibition lot of collectables from citizens of Trebechovice. About the collection and history of city regularly informed in his own proceeding called “Stare Trebechovice”. The Museum through the time became known and specialized on Bethelehms and that is mainly because of husband-and-wife Vaclavikovi. This Museum is of its kind only in Czech Republic and In Europe. From the collection there is a most precious piece of art and it is Liter gradual 1559.  The collection of the Museum takes over 500 bethlehems made of variety materials and each of them is original.   

When you are done with visit in this marvellous museum you can explore beautiful places around and in the city of Trebechovice before you go home. Leave out this stop on your vacation is simply not an option.

For more information about the Hradec Kralove Region where this place is located click here.

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