Rabbit with an Omelet and Red Cabbage

Czech name: Králík s omeletou a červeným zelím

Written by Jan Novak

Rabbit as a meat has a long history in Czech cuisine. In the Middle Ages, rabbit was usually part of aristocrats’ meals and something enjoyed by commoners lucky enough to own farms. Still today, rabbit is commonly found on the plates of both villagers and wealthier citizens. Rabbit is prepared in many ways, and we can honor its long culinary tradition by making rabbit with an omelet and red cabbage.

For more information about the Liberec Region and Usti Region, from which this recipe comes, click here and here.


4 rabbit thighs
1 lbs fresh potatoes
half a head red cabbage
two eggs
9 lb cooked potatoes
2/3 lb butter
handful herbs (parsley and chives)
salt to taste
finely ground caraway seeds
ground black pepper to taste
honey to taste
vinegar to taste


First, carefully clean and wash the rabbit thighs. Then season the rabbit with salt and a bit of pepper. Next, take the butter and cut it into smaller slices. Do the same with the herbs if they are fresh, chopping them and placing them with the butter in a cooking pot. Then add a little bit of water to the pot; this step is essential, because if you omit it, then the meat will be dry and juiceless. Now, carefully put the prepared rabbit into the pot and put the pot in the oven for 2 hours at 400F. Those who love a crunchy crust should heat the pot uncovered and make sure it has enough water.

Meanwhile, prepare the cabbage. Chop the cabbage into thin slices and then mix the slices with salt, pepper, and some honey and vinegar for a sweet and sour taste. Cook the cabbage until tender.

As a garnish, prepare an omelet. First, preheat a pan with lard until the lard becomes transparent. Meanwhile, cut cooked potatoes into small cubes. When the grease in the pan is nice and liquidy, add the potatoes. Many recipes will say to add the cracked eggs directly into the pan almost immediately, but a different method will make the omelet truly mouthwatering. This method is, however, optional. After the cubed potatoes start to cook, continue to heat the pan at a medium temperature. Then take a cup, crack the eggs into it, and add salt, pepper, and finely ground caraway seeds, mixing these ingredients well. Now, wait until a brownish crust appears on the potatoes, signalling that we can add the egg mixture to the pan. Bring the pan to a low-medium heat and slowly wait for the omelet to cook from the bottom; importantly, do not stir it. Check every few minutes if the omelet is solid from the top and nicely cooked from the bottom. If so, take two cooking spoons and carefully lift and flip the omelet so it can cook from the other side. Wait about a minute or so and the omelet will be ready. All that remains is to serve our lovely dish. Place an omelet in the middle of a plate next to some cooked cabbage, and place a rabbit thigh on top of the omelet.

Bon appetit!

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