Czech Kolaches from Chodsko Region

Czech name: Chodské koláče

Written by Nikola Vachalova

Chodsko Kolaches is a traditional dessert typical for Chodsko region, situated in south-western part of the Czech Republic. There are not many specialties that are as renowned as Chodsko Kolaches in Czech cuisine. There are various possible techniques of piping (there is a special term for this technique called “merhovani”) and decorating kolaches that differ regionally – Chodsko is divided into parts: Upper and Lower Chodsko, and each of them has its own approach of making this significant food.

For more information about the Pilsen Region, from which this recipe comes, click here.


1/4 cup yeast
1/2 cup crystal sugar
2 1/2 cup Wondra instant flour
1 cup lukewarm milk
1/2 cup melted unsalted butter
1 egg
1 yolk
1 beaten egg with a pinch of salt for brushing
1 cup Farmer’s cheese (or Queso Fresco)
1 cup plum jam
1 cup ground poppy seed filling
1/2 cup sliced almonds for decorating

1 cup whipping cream
2 Tbs dark rum
2 Tbs vanilla sugar


Combine the yeast, 1 Tbs of all-purpose flour, 1 Tbs of crystal sugar, and a small amount of lukewarm milk, prepare the leaven and let it rest in a warm place. Sieve Wondra instant flour and salt, add 1 egg and 1 yolk, the rest of milk and sugar, prepared leaven and heated up unsalted butter. Knead the pastry and let it rise for 30 minutes.

Make four separated parts of the pastry and form it into small buns. Use the rolling pin and make a flat cake of the shape and size of pancake, it should be ideally 1/3 inch thick. Smear the edges with whipped egg and spread the Farmer’s cheese (or queso fresco) filling on the kolach.

Decorate the kolach with chosen filling according to your preferences. You can decorate it with poppy or plum jam filling and create various ornaments and shapes. Moreover, you can also put almonds on the top of it.

Note: when poppy seed is used in any Czech recipe is it always ground. To grind poppy seed you can use an electric coffee grinder with the best results.

Bake it for 15-20 minutes for 356 °F.

Pour the warm kolaches with whipping cream and rum, you can also powder it with vanilla sugar.

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